The Vintage Bride
You're envisioning a ballgown of delicate ivory lace, white silk gloves and sparkling diamonds for your special day. Something classic with the vintage glamour of Old Hollywood. What Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly would wear. Pick small, beautiful details (a ruffle, a diamante charm, a dove) to complement your elegance.

The Princess Bride
Whether your groom is royalty or not, you're the star of your fairytale moment. You're dreaming of an heirloom elegant gown of the most decadent fabrications, fit for a princess. Choose timeless pieces that never go out of style to be loved forever

The Modern Bride
Chic and stylish with an impeccable sense of style, you're not afraid of pushing boundaries and re-imagining traditions. As the Modern Bride, your colorful personality shines. Match it with equally radiant, contemporary lingerie pieces that are sure to make a fashion statement.

The Bombshell Bride
Confident, glamorous and nothing short of fabulous - you definitely know that you're a Bombshell Bride. Whether it's a bold plunge neckline or a lavish jewels denser than the paparazzi, you'll honour traditions - in your own way.